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Let’s look at some small example. Let’s get a list of the biggest attachments in messages about Luxemburg:
#!/bin/sh exec guile -s $0 $ !# (use-modules (mu)) (mu:initialize) (define (all-attachments expr) "Return a list of (name . size) for all attachments in messages matching EXPR." (let ((pairs '())) (mu:for-each-message (lambda (msg) (for-each (lambda (att) ;; add (filename . size) to the list (set! pairs (cons (cons (mu:name att) (or (mu:size att) 0)) pairs))) (mu:attachments msg))) expr) pairs)) (for-each (lambda (att) (format #t "~a: ~,1fKb\n" (car att) (exact->inexact (/ (cdr att) 1024)))) (sort (all-attachments "Luxemburg") (lambda (att1 att2) (< (cdr att1) (cdr att2)))))
As an exercise for the reader, you might want to re-rewrite the
in terms of mu:message-list
, which would
probably be a bit more elegant.