2.11 Running mu4e

After following the steps in this chapter, we now (hopefully!) have a working mu4e setup. Great! In the next chapters, we walk you through the various views in mu4e.

For your orientation, the diagram below shows how the views relate to each other, and the default key-bindings to navigate between them.

   [C]       +--------+   [RFCE]
   --------> | editor | <--------
  /          +--------+          \
 /         [RFCE]^                \
/                |                 \
+-------+ [sjbB]+---------+  [RET]  +---------+
| main  | <---> | headers | <---->  | message |
+-------+  [q]  +---------+ [qbBjs] +---------+
                   [sjbB]                ^
[.] | [q]
  | raw |

Default bindings
R: Reply      s: search            .: raw view (toggle)
F: Forward    j: jump-to-maildir   q: quit
C: Compose    b: bookmark-search
E: Edit       B: edit bookmark-search